
Tag teams are getting closer

It looks like tag teams will be released in the very first week of July. The day of release of tag teas would be historic day for wrestlers who have been waiting for the tag teams for more than a year. The release of tag teams is the response of Rocket Ninja to constant appeal from wrestler unstoppable wrestlers.  Although Rocket Ninja took some time to introduce the tag teams in unstoppable, releasing tag teams shows that they certainly have listened to the players.

The gameplay in the tag teams seems to be similar to single matches. Two wrestlers will fight in the ring and  you can tag your partner when it's your move so that your partner comes into the ring (maybe with 0 fatigue) to fight the opponent. You may also be able to tag your friend after you have made a succcessful move and its sill your turn.


Anonymous said...

its the second week of July and theres still no tag team

Anonymous said...

UHUm?! well how do we get partners? should they be online in the game?

^ maybe that is the problem xD

Unstoppable in 3D