A stable is a group of wrestlers that look out for each other. Stable members can help each other out in matches, and have a special stable message thread where they can communicate.
Stables can choose to take part in Stable Battles, and the Unstoppable Stable League(USL)
Exhibition stable matches:
These are normal stable matches with each wrestler of the stable getting a match with a random wrestler of the opponent stable. Matches count towards each battle. The stable with the most match wins gets the battle win. You can send exhibition stable matches to other stables with a stake of coins, so if you win the battle you will earn almost double of your stake coins but if you lose the battle you will lose the stake coins.
The stable league is a ladder-based round robin league that starts each week on Sunday. During the week, all stables face off against all other stables of their group in a battle. Results are tallied at the end of the week, with winning stables moving up and losing stables moving down the ladder. So, if you finish near the top of the group, you'll likely move up to the next group. Finish at the bottom and you risk getting bumped down to a lower group. The top few stables in a group will likely jump 2 groups (and the bottom few will likely drop 2 groups), the next few will jump 1 group, and those in the middle will stay put. Over time, the best stables will end up in 'Group 1', and be battling to be the top stable to win the USL Championship.
When a new stable joins the league, they start at the lowest group. If a stable takes a week off (i.e. the leader doesn't sign up), they'll have the same result as finishing last in the group, so you don't want to take too many weeks off.
USL Championship
USL champions are determined every week. The championship battle takes place between the top 2 stables of group 1. The winner of the championship battle gets crowned as the USL champion.
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