
Wrestler unstoppable tips

You can find all the basics for unstoppable here. It generally explains how the game works. But do you think it is enough to take you to the top in the rankings? Certainly not!! So we have compiled some useful tips to help you out in the game.

Your training matters a lot. If you are not so good in the game and your wrestlers loses many matches, you may a bad training pattern. So things may work better if you change the training pattern. Try to change you training until your moves start hitting more and your wrestler starts winning more. If your wrestler performs better dont change the training so that your wrestler can remain good.
Basically, what we have found is that, your training skills are responsible for certain abilities of your wrestler.

Speed - Makes your opponent's move fail more. 

Agility - Makes your move succeed more.
Stamina - Increase health.
Strength - Increase damage done by your moves. 
Intelligence - Uncertain

You may want to change your training so that your wrestler has the desired abilities.

You may be wondering why your move fail more when your opponent can hit very huge combos.
First of all your training determines the success rate of your moves. If your wrestler has high agility you have a chance to hit more successful moves. And if you have high speed your opponents moves will fail more often against you.

Another important factor is momentum. Generally higher the momentum you have more will your moves succeed. This is true for every move. Also different moves will have different success rate at different momentum. The success rate of different moves are given in the links below.

Attacking moves
Hold moves
Throw moves
Aerial and Strategic moves

If you look at the graphs carefully, you will find that small moves which make low damage and give low momentum have higher accuracy at low momentums. So it would be wise to use these small moves when you have low momentum until you have enough momentum for bigger move.

You cannot use a defensive move after you have failed your move, provided that you dont use a power defense. So it is very important that you do not fail you move. Moves generally fail more when your fatigue is higher (greater than 100). Therefore you will need to use your defensive moves after you have reached about 80-100 fatigue.
Different defensive move have different purposes.

Block defends against strength moves
Dodge defends against speed moves
Reversal defends against agility moves
Play Possum defends against intelligence moves

Brace Yourself defends against all moves by reducing the amount of damage they do to your health, reducing with each move . Beware though, if your opponent makes more than 4 moves while you are using brace yourself, the damage done by your opponent's moves increase significantly.

Rope-a-dope only works against small moves. It reduces the damage done by small moves and actually increases your opponents health when you make small moves. It does not have any effect bigger moves. Rope-a-dope only works for the first three moves and it is ineffective after the third move.

Rope-a-dope looks like Brace at first in that your move does less damage than normal, but you can tell it is rope-a-dope if your opponent's health increases on the 2nd move.


Anonymous said...

No this is not true.

[[Agility - Makes your move succeed more.]]

My agility is at 23 and I always miss moves constantly

[[Speed - Makes your opponent's move fail more.]]

also not true. my speed is at 15 and I have been beat by players whose speed was 5. The stats are B.S the reason they are in the game is so rocket ninja can try to get the money out of you so you believe you must max stats out. and go and spend money to do quick train and max the stats

These stats are false the following is my stats strength 23, speed 15 , stamina 21 , agility 23 , intelligence 15.

I have been beat many times by players with all 5 on stats and even as low as all 4 on stats.

Rocket ninja dictates the match fail rates and which moves fail the players

Anonymous said...

No Agility does not help your move success! It DOES raise your health so you're harder to beat

kane devil king said...

this is rubbish and very untrue the explanation to the stats is all incorrect each catagory has a part to play on its own.... strength does not make all moves do more damage agility does not make ya moves land more often if u want a proper run down on what everything does im on facebook come c me or come to me on game my name is kane devil king

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