
Wrestler Unstoppable gets highest daily active users.

On 8th June 2011 wrestler unstoppable had 28,458 daily active users. This is the maximum number of users for wrestler unstoppable per day. The monthly active users also reached it peak this month with 261,816 monthly active users. The introduction of 3D gaming is believed to be the main reason for rapid increase in active users.

Rocket Ninja bought the game from developer SteamStreet last year around the time the former secured $3.5 million in funding to invest in new technology. The result is Shr3d, a streaming 3D engine that runs entirely through Flash with no need for plugins or art asset installs. The engine recasts all the 2D avatars and items in 3D and adds animations to the combat that vary by move and by character body type. They recently added more new features  like crowds cheering and booing and wrestler grunts and shouts. Rocket Ninja introduced the engine into Wrestler: Unstoppable a little more than a month ago. They still have not removed the old 2D gaming but also have not decided when to remove it.  There may keep both 2D and 3D gaming after massive response from the users in favor of keeping 2D game.

The number of users is expected to increase again later in July after Rocket Ninja introduces tag teams, which is much awaited by the users.


Sheamus said...

I love the 3D Very much, And those tag teams would be the second biggest thing ever happend there.. Look forward to it. And i just say KEEP 3D, BUT STILL NOT REMOVE THE OLD!

Anonymous said...

3D is Great! 2D is Good! Heck keeping 1D is alright, or if not make it into a 1D saleable P3 game, so you can make more profit on it. Can't wait for the TAG TEAMS that is coming and I LOVE WRESTLER UNSPOPPABLE!!!

Timothy Allen Monroe said...

CHRIST FOLLOWER SAYS: That He is absolutely loving the Three Dimensional Aspect of Unstoppable. Very Life - Like.

Anonymous said...

active users???? or logins???

Anonymous said...

Or maybe it's just because that you offer gold to clients if they install your game and then YOU DON'T PAY so maybe it's why you have a lot of active users

Unstoppable in 3D